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Worship With Us

This area is called the "hero"

The hero can also be a video.

You can have 5 hero slides.

They can be changed at anytime

This section of the homepage is called the “image slider.”

You can have up to 5 image slides here. This is another place for you to highlight any internal pages, upcoming events, and more. You can adjust the image, heading, text, and add a button link. These items can be edited and changed at anytime.

Retreat Sept 2nd

Interested in Catholic faith? Let us accompany you on your journey to a loving relationship with Jesus Christ

Dinner With Your Priest
Sept 1st 7pm

“For me prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look towards Heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.”

-St. Therese of Lisieux


Service Appeal

Join us today to serve those who are less fortunate in our own local community!

What's Happening

This is a “Post”

You can create posts for event announcements, parish news, and more. These items change as you create more posts. Each post will get it's own…

Blood Drive this Thursday

American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive at our organization on Thursday, February 17, 2022. Qualifications to donate are as follows for the Red…

NEW: Night Prayer

Beginning this Tuesday we will be hosting Compline, or Night Prayer, every Tuesday at 7pm in the chapel. No RSVP necessary.

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