When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them,
“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Mark 10:14
Faith Formation is more than just religious instruction.
Its goal is to facilitate growth in faith that encourages Catholics, both young and adult, to live out the Gospels and become better disciples of Jesus Christ. It prepares members to proclaim the Good News, give a deeper understanding of the Sacraments, and to establish standards of a good Catholic life.
Grades K-9
Bring your children to join others as they prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion so they may come to understand the most holy sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Father, and the Holy Spirit.
If you are interested in signing up your child for these classes, please fill out the online registration. Our staff will be alerted once you have submitted the form.
Grades 9-12
High school is a very pivotal time in a child’s life and it is important to provide the faith and support that will help guide them through their adult life. In addition to reviewing the faith in preparation for Confirmation, our faith formation program also teaches children to turn to their faith and parish community in times of hardship.
Young Adult
Ages 18-30
Becoming an adult comes with many challenges, but you should never face them alone! At Catholic Church, we provide young adults with many opportunities for socializing, community service, finding jobs, and even some soul searching (spiritual directors)!
Click the button below to sign up for our newsletter, provided through text or email!
Ages 18+
Growing in your faith has no age limit! Contact the Parish Office for more info.